A small but critical part of last Thursday's essay.
There is no reason any longer, to trust SCOTUS
This is a brief and rare Sunday TAT article, partially from last Thursday’s piece, and with a few critical additions.
Well, last Thursday began as we were preparing to host family with a couple of young grandchildren here in TX. It was delightful, just as it is when we host those from California also. Phew, I’ve discovered that being almost sixty-eight… means a little more recovery time. Still, it won’t hold me back from doing five- and seven-year-old things. The delight of being young again along with them, is that for a few days, there is no obligation to “act my age.” I’m not terribly good at it anyway. The thrills of small things, discovery, excitement about the world and just plain youthful curiosity, is a priceless treasure.
These days, my curiosity involves the research to write about all of the threats that jeopardize the future for everyone’s children and grandchildren. One of the most dangerous threats to their future is the acceptance of Oligarchism and Christian Nationalism, here in the US. In Thursday’s article, I briefly discussed the disgraceful threat that emanates from the US SCOTUS/ Supreme Court of the United States and their current, far-right, 6-3 super-majority.
Their agenda is quite clear; to support the new manifesto of fake patriotism, “God, guns and Trump.” I covered this just briefly last week but wanted to share just this section of that essay again, along with a reading list of other essays that explain in detail, just how hell-bent the Chief Justice John Roberts’ SCOTUS is, on undermining our constitution, if not wholly ignoring it. Their decision to overturn, Roe vs. Wade, on the religious grounds of a late 17th century English judge, best known for the legal framework that supported burning witches at the stake and allowing marital rape. Also, the Citizens United ruling that put every citizen at the mercy of oligarchs and their corporations, as it pertains to campaign finance.
In my fairly well-informed lay opinion, the John Roberts court is the most destructive to our constitution since the Dred Scott opinion court, that was one of the catalysts, for our Civil War. Two of the justices, Thomas and Alito, are avid MAGA supporters and yes, both put the blame on their wives. Both are deep seated court ethics violators and both, impose their religious views on all Americans. Few things are more unconstitutional, hence un-American, than imposing singular religious views on all citizens.
The bottom line here is, so long as this court is allowed to remain seated as is, our constitution and by extension our republic, are at severe risk. Like every veteran and elected office holder at the Federal level, I am duly sworn to, “protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.” Just because the Thomas court shirks their sworn constitutional duties, doesn’t mean that I will.
MAGA fully supports overturning our constitution and replacing it with oligarchical, Christian Nationalist, fascism. The Roberts court is assisting this agenda openly. I hope you will join me in protesting this core threat until we can put our nation back onto the path, that our founders intended.
Below is the section of Thursday’s TAT, referenced at the beginning.
First… a disgraceful SCOTUS
I have few, new things left to say about the disgraceful behavior of the US Supreme Court. The disclosure this week of another raw deviation from ethics by Justice Alito, simply adds to the need to find an alternative method to restore our highest court. Alito, Thomas, both of their wives and especially public appearances by Gorsuch, clearly demonstrate their subjugation to MAGA ideology and their imposition of their religious beliefs onto the American people.
They have added to this, an in-your-face preference for oligarchism over the needs of the American people. Much of all of this, is unconstitutional, such as wielding their religious beliefs as a hammer to smash the First Amendment. Refusal to recuse themselves from the cases involving the former and traitorous POTUS and January 6th’s coup attempt, is essentially, spitting into the face of all honest Americans.
I never imagined in my lifetime that sitting SCOTUS Justices, would fly the flags of freedom or be married to someone proudly complicit, in supporting January 6th, as did Ginni Thomas.
The only resolution is for every honest American to show up in November, and put politicians in office that support the constitution, rather than the overturning of our constitutional republic. More than any other person, Mitch McConnell is responsible for the anti-republic agenda, of the 6-3 far right wing, super majority on our highest bench.
Background reading on SCOTUS and other constitutional issues:
Oligarchy is an acute threat to democracy (truthaboutthreats.com)
The National Constitution Center.org - by Paul Cobaugh (truthaboutthreats.com)
What is Christian Nationalism and why it is a threat to democracy? (truthaboutthreats.com)
Our Founding Fathers were "Woke" and also... radical progressives, for their time. (truthaboutthreats.com)
Being a Republican today, doesn’t make you a Conservative (truthaboutthreats.com)
The GOP’s, White Christian Nationalist assault on Public Education, is not only murdering our founding values, but our future. (truthaboutthreats.com)
My very best for the rest of your Sunday,