After the end of Title 42, the southern border of Texas is calm.
No thanks to Gov. Greg Abbott or my congressman, Tony Gonzales, TX 23.
This TAT is about Texas, the border and the disgraceful, un-American behavior of Governor Greg Abbott, and the rest of the TX GOP.
For Texans, we know that as an election approaches, the TX GOP will ramp up their whining and moaning (always dishonestly) along with a healthy dose of fearmongering about the border. Since the beginning of the Trump era, they don’t even bother to wait for elections. None of their projected fears ever come to pass, but that doesn’t stop them from triggering their base with catastrophic fantasies of failure. The end of Title 42 was well planned for by the Department of Homeland Security, the military and Customs and Border Patrol. So far… the Texas border is calm.
Here we have a small sampling of excellent sources detailing the obscenity called, “Op Lonestar:”
Yes, our borders are critical to our National Security (
Operation Lone Star lacks clear metrics to measure accomplishments | The Texas Tribune
Texas’ Operation Lone Star target of federal civil rights probe | The Texas Tribune
Haste and planning failures doomed Operation Lone Star’s troops to suffer (
Operation Lone Star: 7 Times Texas Leaders Misled the Public | The Marshall Project
We want answers about the Texas governor’s Operation Lone Star (
Greg Abbott's Wasteful Border War Is Draining the State's Coffers - The Texas Observer
Editorial: In Operation Lone Star, Abbott has created a quagmire (
National Guard Soldiers at Texas Border Describe Hapless Mission - The New York Times (
Guard suicide attempts and pay delays spur Texas mission probe calls (
There is no thank you from the Seditionists in Austin, but that also didn’t stop them from attempting to take credit for the current successes. This DHS success is unlike Abbott’s failed political stunt, called, “Operation Lonestar.” If Americans and us Texans as well, read more than just politically partisan media, they would have a very different understanding about our border.
As I have written before and at length, partisan politics is one of the primary reasons that immigration in the US is such a politically hot topic. The problem of the border cannot be solved at the border other than a far more technically savvy, list of upgrades to border protection entities.
The main issue is that the globe is seeing its most significant mass migration since the second World War. No fence or wall will help unless we do comprehensive immigration reform, largely agreed to by both, the Obama and George W. Bush administrations.
Abbott and his fellow anti-American fake patriots of the TX GOP are wasting Texan’s tax dollars on Op Lonestar. Both Abbott and the Texas Department of Public Safety (State Police in TX) have been caught lying about the effectiveness of Greg’s stunt. To date, Op Lonestar has made a negligible difference at best, other than helping Greg race to the bottom against Ron DeSantis in Florida who are both vying for the Trump base… MAGA.

Texas has only had GOP leadership for the past 28+ years. They have run education, healthcare, access to the polls, public safety, teen pregnancy, rape arrests and so much more into the ground. Many nations in the world would be considered, “failed states” if they had all of the resources at their command, but only the elite wealth holders prospered.
Our nation does far better when opposing parties or belief systems debate facts and reality, when pursuing solutions to problems. We no longer have a credible GOP in TX. They have proved themselves as extremists, via their actions. No one can debate extremists because once radicalized, extremists are rigid in their ideology. I know this from a career in CT, counterterrorism while still in active Army service until 2015.
If we continue to allow Abbott and his merry band of extremists to continue controlling Texas, we will continue to bear the shame of preferring anti-patriots in office, to ethical and moral Texans. Abbott, Gonzalez, Cruz, Paxton, Dade Phelan, Danny Goeb etc. will drown the rest of us in shame unless principled conservatives boot the extremists to the curb. Big Oil pays for much of this extremism, so that they can continue to operate with the least number of legal restrictions and at the expense of the rest of us Texans. When someone asks who pays the TX GOP to attack the US and TX constitutions…now you know who to name.

Whether it’s the border, race, Sedition, abortion, radical gerrymandering, Jim Crow, 2.0 voting restrictions etc., Abbott and crew, have made TX a punchline for jokes. Sadly, those laughing at us are spot on. We are in a hole that Greg and Co. keep digging deeper. Texas’s honor is at stake.