A sudden decisive exercise of force in politics and especially the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group: coup d'état
TAT readers,
This is the shortest post you will ever see on this publication. I intend it to send a message and in fact, the strongest possible message.
I am not given to hyperbole… ever. I treat my fellow citizens and readers with respect and assume that I can talk with them honestly, without any bombast. This will never change.
Today’s message is that we are at this very moment, experiencing a coup against our constitutional republic. Going forward, most of my writing will be in support of true patriots that wish to join in restoring our republic, as it was intended by our founders. This may upset many, but as I often reference, my military oath to “protect and defend our constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic” leaves me no choice. I choose to honor my oath, rather than slip quietly and cowardly, into serfdom.
When the colonies, prior to our War of Independence, organized civilian militias to stand against tyranny, those militia members were called “minutemen”. This noble term is also part of the title of my last book, Modern Minutemen and Women: The Art of Influence, Narrative Strategy A Voter Education Guide, published by The Athina Press and for sale at Barnes and Noble. I so revere the term minutemen, that I now see all of our citizens who rise to resist Trumpian tyranny, minutemen and women. I have the utmost respect for citizens who understand our founding principles and that will defend them. This is not a “call to arms” but a call to action.
I will not rest until our nation of principles is restored and sustainably secure from the fake patriots and fake Christians that support a despot, his oligarchs and the GOP, that does all possible to enable this coup. I hope that those of you who still belief in the principles of our republic, will join me and the countless other patriots standing against this coup attempt.
More to follow in the coming weeks, months and in fact, until we reclaim our birthright as Americans.