Dear America, I dare you!
Mis and disinformation is a cancer and this dare may be part of the treatment
TAT readers,
Today’s piece is relatively short, and is a sharp dare for every single American, regardless of political “side.” In the Trump era, which continues ad nauseam, there is still an acute national security threat regarding, FN or“fake news,” mis and disinfo, influence campaigning and any of the other common names for this threat.
The US government still refuses to address this threat professionally and expertly. They are married to antiquated thinking and doctrine, while still listening to the same so-called experts that have produced little more than failure for the past several decades, in the realm of influence. They prefer to wait around for some never-to-be-found, CYBER “silver bullet” to avoid actually talking to the American people in a narrative-centric fashion, which by-the-way… they do not well understand, by any stretch of the imagination.
There are available, those with cutting edge academic and operational expertise, but they default to the prevailing failure of those with old blinders on. In the absence of any productive strategy, today I offer a challenge to all American voters to diminish the effect of immoral politicians and influencers, many of them foreign adversaries. If they have the courage to take the dare, citizens may for themselves, come to be better and more accurately informed, as our founders required. For those who dare, this should be eye opening and doesn’t involve political partisanship, which I personally detest.
The Dare
So, I have written on this topic often and as usual, you will see embedded links to some of these articles along the way. When one is faced with a threat that is acute for the security of our nation, and the folks that are responsible are not meeting the challenge, Americans have historically taken the initiative to stand up and do the job themselves. Whether we call this “Yankee ingenuity,” innovation, self-reliance or otherwise, it’s what patriotic Americans do since “minutemen,” took on British troops on Lexington Commons, at the beginning of the American Revolution.
We must all be “minutemen” if we are to survive as a nation. I’m not talking about the fake patriotism of today’s extreme right or left but the patriotism based on our real national values, not what political parties manufacture for a tighter grip on power. Although this has existed with all political parties since the birth of our nation, only today’s, MAGA controlled GOP represents this phenomena on the level, that it’s a threat to our democracy. Obviously, this does not apply to principled conservatives but they are not in control of the party at this point in US history. This is not a partisan statement but grounded in professional truths and supported by an endless array of reputable sources. My intent here is to be honest, and build bridges based on truth, not partisanship. The unity we need, can only be accomplished when all citizens, do their citizen’s duty to be honestly informed.
The key to national resilience is our national unity over our true national values… if only the US government would have the courage to adapt and lead on this matter. Since they won’t, here’s what I suggest: The Dare
I dare any reader and those they will hopefully share this with to:
For a period of two weeks, read Reuters, The Associated Press, BBC News and USA TODAY exclusively. These are the most prominent and credible of mainstream news sites for honest, least biased reporting and have the most reach globally.
After the first two weeks, spend another two weeks doing the same but adding your favorite news sources.
Compare the difference in content, presentation, emotional words and phrases used etc.
Now comes the hard part, if you dare. Challenge your own honesty about your previous information and your opinions, based on that information. I recommend doing this privately for most folks, as that this dare can be difficult to many, well-entrenched in their political identity.
I challenge you to dare your family and friends or those you associate with on social media.
Finally, compare your newfound understanding to your political and social positions relative to our true national values and principles, such as; unity, equality, defense of freedom, defense of the victimized, not the absurd culture wars that have replaced most political debate etc.
Do you or do you not have the personal integrity to make corrections based on this knowledge? That courage, when it exists is the heart and soul of what our founders were after when demanding “well and accurately informed citizens.
So my friends, this may be a simple task but it is precisely the foundation of American democracy. Our brilliant, courageous and principled founders all expected citizens to be “well and accurately” informed. In today’s world, digital and other media has presented a significant challenge to citizens. Unethical marketers, politicians, corporations and most threatening, our national security adversaries are breaking all ethical and legal norms to “control” your perceptions.
This is a critical point on which I have also written extensively and promise to write more on in future posts. The biggest threat isn’t from bombs, bullets and worse, it’s from the loss of our national resiliency due to the way immoral, professional influencers commandeer our brains with deceitful tactics and technology.
If minutemen could stand against crack British troops on Lexington Commons at the beginning of the American Revolutionary War, all Americans should have enough courage to challenge themselves privately. It’s the American way.
Best for everyone’s Thursday,