TAT readers,
I just wanted to share with you both the “Professor’s Copy” and the “Student Copy” of my recent book. It is designed for the national security community, Universities and other entities that deal with influence, from a national security perspective.
The professionals at The Athina Press published these works and they are as beautiful as they are ground-breaking in content. When adopted, they will contribute a whole new perspective on protecting our nation from mis and disinformation, as well as projecting US values around the world. Every bit of the content is based exclusively on my work as an influence operator in and outside of combat zones.
For personal use, the Student’s Copy is far more cost-friendly, if anyone is interested. They are primarily being marketed for adoption to universities and national security agencies and entities, but for those who wish to better understand how fraught with danger our national security is due to adversarial influence, they are written without a focus on plain language, rather than the professional language of the military and intelligence community.
You can find them at Barnes and Noble and if not on the shelf, they will order for you with a quick turn-around. No pressure here. I’m just putting out there if anyone is interested or believes them important enough to refer to a local university, League of Women’s Voters, or even local government. Whether you call it mis/ disinformation, propaganda, malign influence or just influence, it is in my professional opinion, the most pressing national security threat to the US and global democracy.
Thanks for any interest and again, not a bit of pressure.