TGIF TAT readers,
We, this week’s essays were long and detailed so today, I will defer to short and to the point!
Here in San Antonio, we are bombarded every few minutes on our TV screens and other media with campaign ads. I can’t speak for other states, but TX Republican ads are always a disgraceful mix of bombast, conspiracy theories, outright lies and, the common theme of all of this, is fearmongering. Having moved to Texas in 2005 for the Army, I also have retired in the Lonestar State. This means that it is my home, and we all protect our homes. This requires honoring my military oath to, “protect and defend the constitution, against all enemies both foreign and domestic.
This means that opposing the Texas Republican party’s unconstitutional agenda and law-making, is a “must do.” I won’t go into all the details to keep today’s essay more like a text message to true patriots, about the fake GOP claimants. Below are links to a massive number of details which are included in my recently released bi-annual Texas Edition, TAT Journal along with the 2024, election special edition. It is a collection of nearly everything I have written about Texas for the past couple of years.

Today’s primary focus is, what the hell do we do about traitors like Ted Cruz, our immoral and Seditious, junior Senator? Since 2005, I have never met a Texan, Republican or otherwise, that likes and respects Ted. His cowardly escape to Cancun while Texas froze, and big fossil fuel providers reaped an extra $ 1.1 B in profits over the 5-day, 2021 storm, sealed his fate as one of the most hated men in Texas politics.
My visceral dislike for him is much older and it wasn’t the storm that did it for me. I have despised his political agenda and dishonesty for his entire career. What moved me from visceral dislike to hate, was his overtly Seditious behavior on January 6, 2021, and assistance in supporting it in White House meetings, prior. Yup, Ted was deeply involved in the dishonest legal wrangling to keep Trump in office by blocking Congressional certification of our votes.
In deep red Texas, some of our largest and most respected newspapers, called for his resignation.
"An examination by The Washington Post of Cruz’s actions between Election Day and Jan. 6, 2021, shows just how deeply he was involved, working directly with Trump to concoct a plan that came closer than widely realized to keeping him in power. As Cruz went to extraordinary lengths to court Trump’s base and lay the groundwork for his own potential 2024 presidential bid, he also alienated close allies and longtime friends who accused him of abandoning his principles. Now, Cruz’s efforts are of interest to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, in particular whether Cruz was in contact with Trump lawyer John Eastman, a conservative attorney who has been his friend for decades and who wrote key legal memos aimed at denying Biden’s victory." - Inside Ted Cruz’s last-ditch battle to keep Trump in power - The Texas Tribune - By Michael Kranish, The Washington Post - March 28, 2022El Paso Times: Congress police its own and vote to expel Cruz. "Cruz is a known agitator. This time his actions contributed to an insurrection, a violent uprising against the United States government. Mixed in the angry mob were people calling for a revolution and overthrowing our democracy."
Excerpts from the El Paso Times article, January 28th, 2021 From the El Paso Times to the Austin American-Statesman to the San Antonio Express-News, here's what's been said about Cruz following the insurrection by editorial boards in Texas. El Paso Times: Congress police its own and vote to expel Cruz. "Cruz is a known agitator. This time his actions contributed to an insurrection, a violent uprising against the United States government. Mixed in the angry mob were people calling for a revolution and overthrowing our democracy." Austin American-Statesman: Censure Cruz for role in Capitol riot "We cannot undo the horrors of Jan. 6, the bloodshed and the beatings and the plumes of tear gas filling the halls of Congress. But we can hold the instigators accountable. We can insist on consequences that send a clear message: Attacks on our democracy — on the power of voters to choose their leaders — will not be tolerated." San Antonio Express-News: Expulsion for enabler Cruz "Those who stormed the Capitol must be held to account. So, too, must those who created the tinderbox conditions — through baseless lies about voter fraud — that allowed fire to be set to a free and fair election, an election won by former Vice President Joe Biden." Houston Chronicle: Resign, Senator Cruz. Your lies cost lives. "U.S. Sen., Ted Cruz lied to Americans about widespread voter fraud that never existed. This editorial board tries to hold such shameful specimens to account." - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz wants to move on; Texas editorial boards want him held accountable for U.S. Capitol insurrection - El Paso Times - Aaron A. Bedoya - January 28, 2021
In the nearly four years since January 6th, 2021’s armed insurrection and detailed plan to overthrow the election, Ted was an integral part of the planning. Ted is no stranger to dishonest influence operations, to spread his treasonous and anti-American values propaganda. Ted was an early devotee of this dishonesty, in conjunction with the infamous and now defunct, Cambridge Analytica who along with FB, Brad Parscale and Russia, conned American voters to support Trump in the 2016 election.
The list of Ted’s most anti-American views is nearly endless, as is the evidence of it. That though, is only background to today’s primary point. This short essay is to say that honest Texans that believe themselves patriots will forever lose their rights to that label, if they put Ted, the Seditionist back into office.
Ted’s campaign commercials that assault the senses on our TV, are laughable were they not so dangerous. They focus on extreme and utterly dishonest right wing culture war, conspiracy theories. The most prominent is to campaign on the accusations of his opponent allow men in women’s bathrooms and other gender related MAGA culture issues. He is literally, talking down to Texans who he must believe are ignorant. He spends his entire political career whining and moaning about calamitous issues but when push comes to shove, he defaults to conspiracy theories. This is because, his record of doing something, anything at all for Americans and Texans, is a blank sheet of paper.
No matter what party beliefs you hold, it comes down to voting for a decent, moral and accomplished opponent named Colin Allred, or a spineless Teddy, who attempted to overthrow the country and doesn’t represent a single Texas nor American value. Morality, patriotism and the constitution, are no longer in Ted’s dictionary. As long-time readers know, I do not support a political party but I sure as hell will speak up strongly, when a party as absent of American values like the MAGA GOP attempts to overthrow our constitutional republic. This doesn’t only include Ted, but he is a primary leader of such efforts. I will say this to those MAGA Texas voters and from a very well-informed perspective regarding January 6th, Ted is a Seditionist, and you cannot call yourself patriotic by voting for a Seditionist and coup plotter. So Texas, what say you? Are you in support of a traitor or are you an American that supports our constitution?
Okay y’all, short essay for today is a wrap. I have chores to do, and I imagine most of you do as well in order to have a great weekend.
My very best to all,
And the alternative for Texas is ..................