Happy hump day to all
Today I just would like to make a few points about the BS called, “border security.” As most longtime readers know, I have written in great depth on this topic many times. I’ll include the links to those articles in today’s essay, for in-depth background reading. Often, I write because like all Texans, I am buried in Greg Abbott and Company’s BS all day, every day, about the border. The threat at the moment is that the false narratives of the MAGA crowd regarding our southern border are a manufactured propaganda campaign that they believe will help them win in November’s election. Outside of this reason, they don’t give a damn about the border. Like their false narratives about inflation, they are not interested in solving any problem, other than their election chances. Does this let the other side off the hook? Not entirely, but for far different reasons.
Today’s article will be short and to the point. I will be back on Friday with a normal sized piece, on a topic yet to be determined. The reason for today’s refresher on the border is because of yesterday’s EO/ Executive Order about limiting Asylum applicants. The amount of so-called border security misinformation is staggering. So today, it’s about some of the most important facts.
The border was never secure and never will be. It would be impossible to secure the entire border of the US. If asylum seekers didn’t come from our southern border, they would enter through Canada or any number of places along our seemingly endless shoreline.
We all agree that immigration is a mess and from a logistical standpoint, unmanageable. The only issue is what to do about it. The issue isn’t security, it is immigration as a whole. The scare tactics about terrorism that MAGA bludgeons us with constantly, are more than 90% false. Yes, I know this for professional reasons. The criminal aspect regarding gangs, cartels etc. have long had agencies with massive budgets to address them, although the success rate is relatively poor. We need a new approach to this as well.
There is no so-called border security without comprehensive immigration reform. Both sides of the aisle have kicked this can down the road, for decades and there is no hope in the foreseeable future either.
The same GOP that denies climate change is also the one that is clueless about the reasons that beleaguered human beings seek refuge outside of their home countries. Climate change driven drought, famine, war etc. and other natural disasters have made their home nations unsustainable. War and criminal violence are often driven by the fight for resources, that humans need for survival. Security, water, food, jobs, healthcare, education and other opportunities are powerful magnets that draw people to our borders. If those challenges faced your family, it would drive you to act the same as most asylum seekers.
The MAGA dominated GOP, also ignores weaponized migration by and for Putin. Putin has over the past three years, had some of his biggest partners and aligned nations, funnel refugees to our southern border via air to Cuba and then onto his buddy Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, where they then walk north to southern border. Putin does this in order to support the candidacy of Trump by making our border situation worse.
The border and immigration issues are a congressional problem to be solved, not an executive office problem. Calling this a “Biden border crisis” is an overt lie. The legislative branch writes the laws, not the executive branch.
Everyone seems to ignore that fact that our federal presence at the border is as robust as it has ever been. Congress, especially the House of Representatives refuses to vote on a largely Republican border funding bill approved months ago in the Senate, simply because Trump told them not to. Trump wants the border worse, to increase his odds of reelection. For this reason, the US cannot invest more at our southern border, because Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson is subservient to Trump. Yes, this means that he is refusing to do his job and is making the border situation worse… on purpose.
Everyone agrees that we need better control of the immigration situation but since that Congress refuses to act, at least the White House is using its limited Executive Order actions yesterday, to at least relieve the pressure a little.
All around the world, migration is at its highest rate, since the end of WW II. The situation in the US is not even the worst of it. Putin is again, “weaponizing migration” against Europe in an attempt, to divide Europeans the same way that Russia is supporting MAGA here in the States. Even before the war in Ukraine, global migration was at catastrophic levels. This is why Congress must act on comprehensive immigration reform and also include in it, a cooperative strategy to work more closely with other nations to solve problems facing the entire world.
As noted earlier, I have written a great deal on the border situation and in those essays, are a mountain of facts to support these eight points above. I hope that you will find time to sort through them to get a better view of the whole picture. If we don’t use facts and critical thinking, we cannot solve any problem. It seems that for the time being, the MAGA hordes are interested in even trying.
My best for the rest of your week,
Background reading:
The truth about the Southern border the GOP won't tell you, and that the left is incapable of effectively narrating. (truthaboutthreats.com)
Separating the Wheat from the Chaff about our Southern Border. (truthaboutthreats.com)
Please, let's solve immigration and put an end to the bizarre, false narratives and cruelty of Governors, Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis and the MAGA hordes. (truthaboutthreats.com)
Texas Travesty - by Paul Cobaugh - Truth About Threats
After the end of Title 42, the southern border of Texas is calm. (truthaboutthreats.com)