Ukraine is doing precisely, what the Republican party refuses to do, support democracy
I'm angry, why aren't you?

Just a brief TAT today due to returning home this afternoon and prepping for a trip to Washington DC tomorrow morning. At least Mrs. C will get some well-deserved peace and quiet for a couple of days. She doesn’t approve of my driving so while she drives, I am typing this.
Putin has announced an intention to begin a couple days of truce for the Eastern Orthodox Christmas. Ukraine, wise to believe nothing out of Putin’s mouth, says NYET! Ukraine endeavors to fully prosecute Putin’s war until every last Russian soldier is dead, wounded, surrendered or elects to leave their sovereign nation. Bravo to President Zelensky and the courageous Ukrainian people for keeping their collective thumbs on the throat of Putin’s failing invasion. This is what patriotic service to a democratic nation under assault looks like.
Meanwhile, a few thousand miles away, an extremist leader of an extremist party is arguing with even more extreme Republicans, trying to form, House of Representatives committees, roles, rules and far more, rendering the US government in chaos. We should not be surprised. Not one Republican has stood and delivered sustained, impassioned condemnation of the armed insurrection by their party leader and in which, several of them are complicit. Their silence condemns them. Some even have to gall to suggest that it was “legitimate political discourse.” As my UK and Commonwealth friends might say, bollocks!
When I hear Americans that are critical of or fail to support Ukraine, I’m baffled and quite frankly… angry. Our unity with the world post 9-11 and after receiving nearly universal support against one brand of terrorism, now the MAGA folks, hedge their support for democracy. Part of this is due to Russian influence operations in the US and partly because they are selfish. The true failure though is that they’ve allowed propagandists over the past couple of generations, to redefine American values, in order to control their votes. Those votes are not in service to true American values, but to selfish power paradigms, more akin to Putin and his oligarchs than any democracy on earth.
As discussed in yesterday’s TAT, this is a humiliating drama playing out in front of the world. Today’s lead story in the BBC News was how the Republicans can’t sort out the mess that they, themselves created. Not only is President Zelensky putting on a master class in resisting immoral aggression, but all of Ukraine is putting on their own masterclass in protecting the very democracy the Republican party has undermined in the Trump era. Most tragically, Putin is Ukraine’s aggressor while concurrently attacking us and our allies in a different form, via influence operations. Those arguing over the Speaker’s job in Congress are the same ones who refused to acknowledge the Russian assault on our elections. In fact, via their hero, Trump, they consistently empowered Putin. Not one of them can be trusted with democracy, no exceptions.
When Russian operators were found out in Ukraine, they were immediately arrested, including high government officials. Ours are battling for control of half of Congress. Yes, McCarthy, the spineless enabler of those who would overturn or render impotent, our Constitution, is now fighting for his life-long goal, against those even more extreme than he and his gang. None of them represent American democracy and I for one, who still honors his military oath of service, holds the whole bunch with the contempt only reserved for traitors to their oaths of service. Please see below. It doesn’t say a word about armed insurrection and failing our commitments to allies and partners.
If it sounds like I’m angry, hell yeah, I am. I want to know why every American that considers themselves patriots, are not equally contemptuous and angry. It’s time to outlaw a party that supported Putin and continues to undermine our Republic.
For those principled conservatives, start another party. American democracy requires informed debate based on facts, science and wisdom, not the fake patriotism of selfish, corrupt and near-treasonous hacks. For the record, this goes for every Republican Senator who refused to do their duty and honor their oaths, in the face of overwhelming evidence.
Time to go all in on Ukrainian democracy that parallels so much of what our nation was formed around, and by brilliant, courageous founders who put everything on the line for our nation’s future. Thank you to President Zelensky and the Ukrainian people. You are demonstrating what Americans called Republicans have lazily or willfully forgotten. If you’re as angry as I am, you’re a principled conservative, not a Republican or… as demonstrated by our current support for Ukraine, a Democrat, Independent or other.
Parties are the death of Republics. Our third president, James Madison proved it with his extraordinary research prior to “fathering” our Constitution. Washington, our first and only independent POTUS, was so enamored with Madison’s research, he copied it in his own hand. His disdain for “factions” was well-known and his Farewell Address to the people said so. Apparently, no one is still listening.
Rather than watching the Republicans continue to undermine our nation and humiliate us in front of the world, let’s all pay more attention to what protecting democracy looks like… by Ukraine.
Slava Ukraini
Heroyam Slava