Actually, Paul, one may be both Christian and Patriotic and still be a Republican -- neither is exclusive of the other -- so long as one remembers that one's first loyalty is to God and not mere politics.

Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving. When can we next do breakfast at Maddy Lane's?

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Sorry my friend, real Christians do not dishonestly support serial rapists, racists, traitors and conmen, robbing American citizens of their pursuits of, "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness." Those Christians who voted Republican when MAGA controls the agenda and in support of what I described above, are acting on the precise opposite of, Christian and Conservative values.

Breakfast will be fine later next week.

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The primary problem with your analysis is that you present an alleged problem without offering an alternative solution. Keeping this discussion within a political sphere, if, as you postulate, the GOP as currently constituted is not a viable electoral option than the only rational alternative would be to support and vote for Democrat Party candidates. (I think we would agree that neither not voting nor voting for loser third-party candidates present viable options.) However, I find the Democrat Party as presently constituted to be anathema. Why should I vote for a party that A) would make gender dysphoria national policy; B) would willingly encourage the genocidal slaughter of the unborn; C) would coddle anti-Semitic factions within its ranks; D) would willfully engage in lawfare against fellow citizens who disagree with their policies; and E) engage in a series of "no-win" armed conflicts in Europe, the Middle East, and elsewhere among other things? While I do not disagree with you that the GOP has its own share of problematic issues, I consider the Democrat Party alternative to be existentially far worse.

Breakfast next week sounds great. Monday or Tuesday morning work well with my schedule.

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I have no interest in your postulations. The solution, to any moral person, regardless of religion, is not to support rapists, racists, treason and theft of our hard-earned tax-dollars. Not once have you acknowledged these truths while perpetrating the most dishonest and indecent accusations, from 2015 on. You always seem to have an opinion, but never a single source for your accusations. This publication I remind you, is about truth. A party of racists and toxic misogynists, in support of our most aggressive foreign adversary, repeated violations of our constitution and all supported ONLY, by conspiracy theories leaves honest Americans more than a bit fed up with today's grotesquely immoral Republican Party. At least I will honor my oath to the Constitution whether republicans will or not. For the record, this nation never intended political parties. Your absolutist defense of the GOP is as easily as indefensible as your support for a felon, convicted rapist (who nominated at least four other sexual assault perps to his cabinet), sellout of our national security to Putin, espionage perp, unconstitutional assault on our very constitution via Project 2025, which you defend are just the tip of the iceberg.

Without sources that support your original accusations, further comments will be deleted. Our constitutional republic is at stake and after a decade of overt, willful dishonesty, I no longer tolerate it. I hope this blunt message is getting through. National security is a good topic for us but anything regarding the coup attempt by the orange traitor and his bro Putin, is not seen as "political" by me. It is a national security threat of the highest order that requires honesty. You have demonstrated none of this regarding the subservient GOP abandonment of our national value, treasure and security. Truth is the only answer and the only thing that I am willing to discuss at breakfast or on this platform.

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So is breakfast on Monday or Tuesday next week?

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