Mar 28, 2023Liked by Paul Cobaugh

Good afternoon, Paul, I've been following your posts on the global populist long cycle with interest. Which got me wondering...is there an equivalent name for this political long cycle phenomenon equivalent to the economic long cycle theory known as the Kondratiev long wave?

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Yikes Maggie,

I am quite late in getting back to you. As always, a terrific question. I am not familiar with any specific term and have read a life-cycle case study or two. With a CT background, lifecycle studies are a really important piece of the puzzle, regarding strategy to counter extremism.

On a good note, I appreciate that you introduced me to the "Kondratiev long wave." A new concept for me and helpful.



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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Paul Cobaugh

Good morning, Paul, thank you for the note above...Your response encouraged me to do a bit of research...as far as I can tell, long-wave political theories are either called simply 'long wave' or are rolled into the Kondratiev/Kondratieff framework. I found one essay that I thought addressed the question of the interlinking of political and economic long-cycles and talked about the ebb and flow of global trends towards and away from democratic governance in Korotayev, A., et al. (eds.) (2014). Kondratieff Waves. Juglar – Kuznets – Kondratieff. Chapter 8, by Jonas Van Vossole "Long Waves of Political Contestation" directly addresses the drivers of democratisation and its reversal, which you may find interesting. You can find the PDF on ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/294086817_Kondratieff_Waves_Juglar_-_Kuznets_-_Kondratieff if you find the theory interesting... You may also find the NATO publication Kondratieff Waves, Warfare and World Security at http://digamo.free.fr/devezas6.pdf interesting.

cordially, m

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