Americans are mentally ill and delusional still operating on the Monroe Doctrine and pretending that God and fate supports anything American that genocide 300 million indigenous people. Wiping out countless animal and plant species with neverending cement expansion projects. Unfortunately you have brainwashed Americans who do have a disturbing national identity. Only americans sings songs about and worship flags while we live in a violent and deteriorating, never ending, war state, over policed and over incarcerated society to prop up our war economy. So I really have no clue what this author is talking about.

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For the record I was just leaving my 2 cents. I don't normally expect writers to write rebuttals to every critic of every blog but hey it's your article. However all this national identity and national security talk really gets folks on their high horses. All this red VS blue, GOP VS Democrats. All this fox Vs CNN. All this rhetoric surrounding America and her fake borders and national pride BS is really from the lowest parts of human thinking. It is classical tribalism from our lizard brains that instead of recognizing what a wonderful, beautiful and complex planet we live seeks to simplify everyone into teams and camps. This fear of the other and fear of outsiders and fear of people whom are different or worship a different God which gives rise to political and national identity which gives rise to an out of control overbearing security state which gives rise to think tanks that lie and distort the truth which gives rise to weapons which gives rise to profit driven foreign and domestic wars & operations which causes massive suffering of humans and animals we could keep going but my point is that if we are going to write we should write to publish the uncomfortable and the ugly. We should examine and preach the horrors released on the world in places like Vietnam where we tortured and killed people and made our own families suffer loss after loss all because Vietnam wanted to have nationalized healthcare and labor rights under communism. We should sing songs about how the United States is blocking shipments of food and medicines from entering Yemen, Cuba and Venezuela because they wish to govern their communities under socialism. We should have think tanks that produce intelligent talking points for de-escalation, peace and diplomacy. We should give medals to not men who kill people in wars but we should give medals to folks who can walk the talk and sing songs about following God's orders for us to love one another not self destruct behind a veil of borders and security tied up in ridiculous, shallow national identity speak.

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