Denying Ukraine funding is really the Republican Party supporting Putin and a most dire, national security threat.
There may be Republicans, but the party is no longer conservative.
Well TAT readers, like you there is not a lot of free time this time of year, but I want you to consider something critical to US and allied national security. Today’s Republican Party is what the US military defines as a critical vulnerability, when planning and strategizing. I would not bring such a heavy topic to you this time of year, were it not such a dire national security threat. Due to time constraints, this will be stark and to the point. I will make no effort to sugarcoat the threat.
There is not a single political intention to this writing, but someone must just be straightforward with the American people and our allies. That is what TAT is all about, so it might as well be me. In order to offer more depth, I will also add links to previous and in-depth TAT articles, full of embedded links to sources, that support my opinions here. There is no time to waste so… let’s get at it.
Here are the primary points:
Today’s Republican Party is not the party of our fathers and grandfathers.
Putin is currently and most immediately, the most aggressive threat on the planet, in terms of warfare.
Defunding Ukraine’s fight against a genocidal Putin, is a full-blown assault on US and Allied national security.
I grew up in a household where Mom was a lifelong Republican and Dad, a lifelong Democrat. President Eisenhower, in my opinion, the last “principled Republican was president for the first 4 years of my life. Both voted for him and often voted across party lines, based on informed understanding of issues and candidates. The insanity of party over country, still wasn’t the rule like it is today.
I have always considered myself an Eisenhower Republican, which today means that President Biden is by far, most representative of President Eisenhower’s policies, domestic and foreign. Today, due to a deep disdain for big money political parties, I vote based on candidates, issues and with a deep-seated understanding of history, government, professional expertise and CIVICs, much like my father and mother.
Because of the WCN or White Christian Nationalism or CN, Christian Nationalism of the Republican Party, pretty much since the H.W. Bush’s presidency, I haven’t voted for a Republican since. Being raised by a lifelong history, government and civics teacher and Veteran (both parents were Korean War Vets) means that today’s Republican Party is to me, a bunch of anti-American theocrats and corrupt abusers of our founders’ intentions that are treasonously supporting Putin, while concurrently assaulting our constitutional rights. There is simply, no nicer way to say this.
Today’s Republican Party is not the party of our fathers and grandfathers.
Rule #1, a person, organization, movement or nation’s actions, define them, not what they say.
Beginning with the “Moral Majority” of the Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House era, the GOP has progressively become a party of White Christian Nationalists, not republicans. They then gave to oligarchs and foreign interests, the ability to evade taxes, support foreign adversaries and defeated campaign finance. This potent combination led them straight into Putin’s, Russia’s and the Soviets before Putin’s hands.
Putin, like the KGB, where he was once a mid-level officer in a backwater assignment used what was then called Active Measures, now the Gerasimov Doctrine to influence Americans and other NATO allies to destroy themselves via exploiting social divisions like race, religion, wealth and so much more. If you recognize this in the GOP, it is because they have allowed themselves to become what the Russians and Soviets call, “reflexively controlled.” Pavlov called this “conditioning” in his ground-breaking psychology experiments with dogs. They can control or predictably trigger responses in audiences with their efforts. The laymen’s term, is “brainwashing.”
The evidence is in their GOP ideology, which has nothing at all to do with “principled conservatism.” Today, they are conditioned, far-right extremists, nothing more, nothing less. Their current extremist ideology is best seen in the TX GOP Platform for the 2022 midterms. The GOP under Trump, a Russian asset, is pure Russian, far-right, White Christian Nationalism, or the teachings of today’s Russian Orthodox Church. In fact, Russian theocracy, is nearly the same as Iran’s Shia and the Taliban’s Sunni theocracy, with different prophets, teachings and ideology. Here in Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott and indicted felon, AG Ken Paxton are the chief proponents of WCN in Texas. Nothing could be further from true American values or our constitutional rights.
White Christian Nationalism is the official ideology of the Texas Republican Party. (
Hostile Takeover, North East Independent School District vs. MAGA, PUFF and Moms for Liberty (
MAGA is pure blasphemy, pursuing theocracy and the evil adversary of democracy. (
The party of Putin is the MAGA controlled, conspiracy theory obsessed, GOP.
To Russia, With Love: The GOP Divide on Putin and Ukraine | National News | U.S. News (
GOP torn as Greene speaks to far right amid 'Putin!' chants | AP News
Why Does the GOP Block Ukraine Aid? For Trump. - The Atlantic
How the GOP became the party of Putin | Brookings
The GOP's new, Russia-friendly campaign-trail buddy: Tulsi Gabbard - POLITICO
Mike Pence ex-Trump VP slams GOP Putin apologists in Ukraine speech (
First-ever Vanderbilt Unity Poll reveals 52% of MAGA Republicans believe Vladimir Putin is a better president than Joe Biden | The Vanderbilt Project on Unity and American Democracy | Vanderbilt University
Republicans' Divided Stance on Russia Is Major Boost for Putin (
Trump has made Putin the GOP's problem (
Donald Trump pleased at praise from Putin: ‘I like that he said that’ | Donald Trump | The Guardian
Putin Supports Trump Once Again With Russian Sanctions Against MAGA Foes - Bloomberg
Trump revels in praise from Vladimir Putin - POLITICO
Trump revels in praise from Vladimir Putin - POLITICO
Putin is currently and most immediately, the most aggressive threat on the planet, in terms of warfare.
Putin, enabled by years of indecision by NATO and the West, undermined significantly by Trump and the GOP has emboldened Putin to do what he has always desired, commit to Russian Imperialism as the next Tsar. Once considered formidable and now, a laughingstock, Putin has become the junior partner to Xi’s China Dream ambitions. Even with Xi’s shoring up of Putin diplomatically, along with Modi’s India and the now expanding, BRICS bloc, Putin can and will continue to play an aggressive role for himself and for Xi. The GOP refusal to stop him by funding Ukraine’s war effort signals a “roll over and play dead posture” for Western national security.
The world’s worst aggressors are also inflicting genocide on peoples, cultures and regions. They, like bullies on the schoolyard, will not stop until they are confronted, defeated and humiliated into submission. Just because they lead large, powerful nations, doesn’t change the schoolyard dynamic.
10 facts you should know about Russian military aggression against Ukraine | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (
It’s Time to Stand Up to Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine | United States Institute of Peace (
February 24, 2023: Russia's unprovoked and unjustified full-scale invasion and war in Ukraine one year later… | EEAS (
The Kremlin Playbook 3 (
Punish Putin’s Aggression - CEPA
NATO Enlargement Didn’t Cause Russia’s Aggression - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Conclusion: Assuring the future of Europe | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank
Western weakness has emboldened Putin and invited Russian aggression - Atlantic Council
Putin's Attack on Ukraine: Documenting War Crimes | FRONTLINE (
Defunding Ukraine’s fight against a genocidal Putin, is a full-blown assault on US and Allied national security.
As a clear-cut example of the GOP attempting to kneecap Ukraine aid to support Putin, comes a recent meeting between Hungarian President Viktor Orban’ and US high-ranking GOP leadership, including the Heritage Foundation. GOP leaders such as Kari Lake and Paul Gosar, made statements to the effect of bringing Orban’s pro Putin views to the US in an attempt to defund Ukraine.
The GOP has a love affair with one of Putin’s favorite European stooges, Orban’. They have held CPAC events in Hungary and invited Orban’ to Texas CPAC events, as a keynote speaker to advocate for extreme, right-wing policies, including support for Putin. To make matters worse, Hungary is a NATO member and has been deeply involved in vetoing efforts to support Ukraine more robustly against his mentor and idol, Putin. Talk about the “fox in the henhouse?”
Behind the U.S. Right’s Fascination With Viktor Orbán - The Atlantic
Autocratic Hungarian leader Orban hailed by US conservatives | AP News
The GOP-Hungary connection that's shaping the 2024 campaign (
Republicans in Congress are getting advice from Viktor Orbán's office about Ukraine: report |
Texas GOP criticized for sharing CPAC stage with Hungarian prime minister | The Texas Tribune
Orbán dazzles US conservatives — what do they see in him? | The Hill
As the mountain of credible sources in this article clearly demonstrate, today’s version of the GOP is fully aligned with Putin, not the US nor NATO. Their support goes so far as to defund our fellow democracy loving Ukrainian allies. In my personal opinion, this is treasonous due to the intense threat it imposes on the US and our most closely valued allies.
There may still be “Republicans” but there are no more principled conservatives with a say in the party. A clear demonstration of this is that last week, every single House of Representatives Republican, voted to impeach President Biden while concurrently declaring that there is “no evidence.” Also, they have voted almost unanimously over and over again to support Trump’s undermining of NATO and Ukraine. Not one Senator has backed all of the impeachment hearings against Trump when the evidence of wrongdoing was as clear as the nose on their faces. Trump on the other hand has repeatedly shared sensitive intelligence with Russia about us, our allies and friends.
With Putin now obligated to support Xi after Xi came to his rescue, little could be more dangerous than enabling Putin’s victory in Ukraine, where genocide is his intention. None of this represents American values. As a matter of fact, nothing could be less patriotic these days than backing the GOP. No matter what, even if there were one or two conservatives, they would have no voice in their party because the leadership is beholden to Trump who is beholden to Putin. Putin got him elected and Putin tried to reelect him.
I take no satisfaction from making these harsh statements, but their truth is now after years of research and demonstrable activities by the GOP, incontrovertible. Someone must tell the unvarnished truth about our most pressing national security threats and that is my whole purpose in starting and continuing to write these long, detailed articles. I don’t tell people what to think but tell them the truth so that, if they think, they will be considering facts, not the conspiracy theories that underpin today’s GOP.
So sorry to leave everyone this week with such a somber and disturbing article but the threat to our nation and our friends is real, acute and likely irreversible without action. If you are voting Republican these days, please consider the truth of what I have shared today. You are welcome to remain a Republican, but your patriot card is null and void if you continue to do so. Yes, this is my professional opinion.
My very best for your holidays and a remarkable and safe New Year.