TAT readers,
Today is more of a notice than an article, for a couple of reasons.
First, due to a concussion last Tuesday, complicated by another fall Saturday, I have a difficult time focusing. This could not come at a worse time, due to the situation in Israel and related threats like Iran, Russia, China, etc.
Secondly, my second oldest, Rebekah, lives in Israel and I have had a 47-year love affair with this most extraordinary nation. She is now under attack from a combination of Shia and Sunni violent extremists, supported, equipped and trained by Iranian forces. I taught myself conversational Hebrew in my early twenties, visited Israel with my first wife of 28 years, mother of my children, who was a Canadian/ Israeli citizen when we married, while both of us served in the same, US Army unit.
The other tangent here is that Putin, long humiliated by his dramatic failures in Ukraine, has, over the past few months, begun stirring up trouble globally, where he has influence. The “coup” in Niger, disruption in most central African states, where his alignment with China who also has a vested interest in Africa, simply makes matters worse. Then there are the Balkans, the terrorism of Azerbaijan against Armenians and more, all across the globe.
Putin does this in order to drain off support and focus from NATO and other allies regarding Ukraine. Putin, like Xi is soulless. Modi, in India is a powerful enabler of Putin and yet somehow, the US and allies still court him, almost blind to his personal violent extremism via his political party, the BJP. BRICS and their intended large-scale expansion will also be in his and his senior partner Xi’s sphere of influence.
Finally, the far-right government of Bibi, Prime Minister Netanyahu, is deserving of blame too, for poking a dangerous animal with his own far-right extremism calling for the death and subservience of the Arabs living in Israel and the territories.
As you can see, there is a lot to cover in order to better understand the inhumane murder of civilians, some American. This is far from over and I hope by tomorrow to be able to focus enough to bring everyone a better understanding of the players, and their motivations so that we all have a better foundation and before US politicians and less than ethical media, start weaving ridiculous narratives about this war.
From the HAMAS Covenant
'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and
kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the
rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind
me, come and kill him.' (Article 7)
- HAMAS Covenant
- 1988
- Article 7
The only thing that is not murky about this massacre, is that I am fully committed to Israeli security and that of the innocent victims on both sides of this seemingly endless conflict. Politics, the ugliest of dishonest ideologies and greed are behind this horrific suffering. HAMAS, like their Iranian task masters, like Hezbollah, Putin and Xi could care less about innocent human suffering.
The best possible outcome from such war crimes, will be the resolve of the free world, saying, “never again” to these global thugs. Russia isn’t a nation state so much as a state-sponsored violent extremist movement. China, Iran Hezbollah and HAMAS, the same.
Godspeed to Israel and her safety. Also, Godspeed to those who will embrace the whole picture and seek resolutions to the current global thuggery of those who would impose massive suffering on the least deserving.
Am Israel Chai
Translated to English, “the Jewish people live