NSSIG, National Security Strategy, Interim Guidance
March 2021
National Security Council, White House
The first paragraph from the introduction to the NSSIG below, is prophetic and encapsulates the core narrative of the document. TAT will address these features in part, collectively and with insight over the next couple of years, framed by current events. Today, let’s look at the unity, led by the US in response to “Putin’s War” against an innocent, sovereign Ukraine.
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“Recent events show all too clearly that many of the biggest threats we face respect no borders or walls and must be met with collective action. Pandemics and other biological risks, the escalating climate crisis, cyber and digital threats, international economic disruptions, protracted humanitarian crises, violent extremism and terrorism, and the proliferation of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction all pose profound and, in some cases, existential dangers. None can be effectively addressed by one nation acting alone. And none can be effectively addressed with the United States on the sidelines”
In my opinion, few of the key points about our national security are as important as, the focus on “unity” not just at home, but among the nations of the world that make up the, RBIO, “rules-based, international order.” This phrase dominates national security and diplomatic circles for nations that observe and respect international law, policy and norms. There is a far deeper explanation in the link above. Simply put, it means that global problems are too big for any nation alone to solve or address effectively, yes, even the US. This concept is spot on.
Most of the nations that make up our biggest threats in respect to the concept are authoritarian in nature, aggressors and have abysmal records on human rights. Yep, we’re talking Russia, China, Brazil, N. Korea, Hungary, Egypt etc. Even some of our supposed friends like India, fall into this category at the moment. One of the easiest ways to identify them is simply, to note whether they will condemn Putin’s unprovoked, war on Ukraine, that amounts to cultural and actual genocide. India and China are great examples of nations that continue to expand their commerce with Putin in order to help him evade sanctions.
The reason that I raise this particular issue now, is that for the past two years of the current administration, the majority of our overseas effort revolves around what the previous administration did all possible to destroy or undermine. See Trump’s dishonest assault on our most loyal allies, NATO and other friends, as the irrefutable examples. Putin, Modi and Xi all attempted to capitalize on the chaos during Trump’s tenure, to great threat to us and our global friends. The refocusing this past two years on rebuilding trust and confidence from that period is paying off, as can be seen in the unity against Putin. Such unity would have been impossible during Trump’s tenure.
Xi’s global aggression is intended to give him regional hegemony by 2035 and global hegemony by 2049, per his strategic plan. Yes, this means ruling the world in a uniquely Chinese fashion which basically makes every other nation, a tributary state. If this sounds a lot like slavery, it’s because it is, or at best, indentured servitude. The last two years have cost Putin, Xi, Modi, Bolsonaro and others like them most of their forward momentum. This is a direct result of the US working hard to reestablish our global leadership role.
The work continues, as do the increasingly visible results, as seen through the diminishing influence of these other authoritarian and populist nations. Xi’s economy has tanked, his bluster over Taiwan is just that, loud whining. Modi’s brutal religious populism is being resisted in India as well as more caution is exercised by those who once considered India a sound ally. The US in particular has serious concerns. There are more restrictions being placed on India’s economy until we see better behavior and other QUAD nations appear to be exercising similar caution. Bolsonaro in Brazil has similar problems. Modi himself has facilitated Putin’s evasion of sanctions while also dramatically increasing commerce with Russia.
All of the above points to why unity is the “secret sauce” to US and the RBIO’s security. That security has largely prevailed in preventing most, full-scale wars, post WW II. Putin, now backpedaling from nearly every treaty that Russia or the old Soviet system signed, is breaking the existing mold. At the moment, increasing unity is holding the line. Building on and expanding a more equitable global system improves everyone’s security. It also makes for a better global effort towards non-conflict related security, as mentioned back at the beginning of this article, like, disease, climate change, technology, hunger, medicine etc. It may sound like kumbaya to cynics but if you’re a historian or in my line of work, the concept has been demonstrably beneficial over the course of at least, US history. This applies to our domestic affairs too but that is a major article, deserving of its own space.
This has been a basic look at the big themes in the NSSIG narrative. As we go, we’ll dig deeper into the specifics.
Cheers, and all best for the Labor Day weekend,