My guest spot on SpyTalk, with the inimitable goat of national security and intelligence reporting, Jeff Stein.
Taylor Swift and other MAGA conspiracy theories and culture wars
Happy Friday TAT readers,
Yesterday I wrote about the inspiring week back East. One thing that I did not mention was that part of Wednesday, I sat down with
for his SpyTalk podcast. Jeff wanted to talk a bit about the threats from adversarial influence here in the US and what to do about it. This of course was triggered by the ongoing barrage of toxic male identity within the MAGA crowd, triggered by none other than Taylor Swift.The podcast should be interesting for those curious about why half our voting population is conned by the steady, ever-crazier conspiracy theories spewing from the MAGA hordes.
I hope you will enjoy this and please, don’t forget to follow and subscribe to SpyTalk. Their reporting and podcasts are often from the most elite in the national security community. You cannot get that kind of content… anywhere else. Besides, look up Jeff’s bio and you will know why he’s the “goat.”
The Taylor Swift Infowar Tutorial | SpyTalk (