What the hell is wrong with almost all media reporting on the conflict in Gaza and ignoring the brutality in Ukraine and other nations?
This isn’t journalism
I posted this short post on LinkedIn earlier. I am writing the report now and hope to have it done later, but if not, in the morning.
I am thoroughly ashamed of most media coverage regarding Palestinian casualties since Hamas began the recent conflict, in the most barbarian fashion. Most media is supporting Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian, Russian and Chinese propaganda by refusing to portray context in not only their headlines, but in their reporting. Thank goodness… sites like TIME has integrity in their reporting. https://time.com/6328885/gaza-death-toll-explainer/
Even my favorite news for credibility, like Reuters The Associated Press BBC News USA TODAY have been reporting casualties based on the Hamas controlled Health Ministry. For those absent a background in CT/ Counterterrorism, it’s is time to level the playing field for the sake of accuracy.
I will write a long report on this today and the injustice done on my publication, TAT, Truth about Threats.
A couple of points to be covered:
1. Every person of conscience should be appalled at the civilian death toll, as am I.
2. My own personal PTSD derives from just such incidents in my long career in CT and in places like Iraq, Afghanistan and a few others tragic corners of the world.
3. Quoting casualty figures without the context of the frame of terrorist proganda, is dishonest by news media.
4. Failing context, such media is tacitly supporting the terrorists, their taskmasters in Tehran, Moscow and Beijing.
5. World opinion has now, dishonestly shifted from the barbaric massacre of Israelis on Oct 7th, to the very terrorists who committed the massacre at the direction of the Axis of Evil.
6. The only answer to stopping civilian casualties is to turn public opinion against the perpetrators of the Oct 7th massacre and their task masters.
7. The US and NATO are helpless against miss and disinformation/ propaganda. It’s up to media and the support of honest media consumers.
8. If there is any primary fault for the Israeli and Palestinian casualties, it is the beastly butchering barbarians of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their taskmasters.
9. In order to stop the decades-long tragedies like this, terrorist organizations globally must be neutered to the point that they are no longer capable of starting these horrific wars.
I hope to get this long report out late today but, if not, it will be in the morning.
Dear media… STOP selling ad dollars on the backs of innocent lives with far less than honest reporting.
For the record, my professional definition of truth: “All known facts, from credible sources, presented in honest context