Freedom of the Press is our right but we should expect truth, not agendas that kill human beings.
Happy hump day, TAT readers,
Today, 36,000 feet above the West Texas desert, I was scanning the news as a distraction from the discomfort of ever-shrinking airline seats and I was again more than mildly frustrated by major media news headlines screaming propaganda about Israel’s war against Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Putin and more. Headlines in the three most credible sites that I used to recommend, were again full of dishonesty about Israel, Gaza and the Palestinian people. This is nothing new since Oct. 7th and of course, I have written at least two-full broadsides against global media, especially western already. I still felt compelled to add another after today’s read of the headlines.
The story below is actually, just the modified version of some comments I left today on LinkedIn, where I often interact with people. The purpose for using such a social media site is not because it is safe, it is not, but despite LinkedIn’s penchant for censoring truth in favor of foreign adversarial nations, big oil, elite corporations and especially the MAGA controlled Republican Party, who are extremists, not conservatives.
I hope that the comments below will roil all of you as much as they do me. For all of the whining by today’s far-right about free-speech, it is they not the rest of us being censored, especially on common types of social media like LinkedIn, X and Facebook. We are at a point where if we do not demand of our politicians, protection, we will be left with media that only allows what they want us to hear and that of their investors and advertisers want.There goes our once formidable American Democracy.
We deserve full truth, and when our formerly credible media starts denying us, it should set off alarms for what else can and will occur. For example, when decent, patriotic Americans at the Department of Homeland Security floated the idea of a Disinformation Board designed to tell Americans when they were listening to conspiracy theories and outright lies, it was today’s GOP that raised hell and shut it down, before they even knew what it was. Inn the Trump era, these conspiracy theories has become the veritable platform of the GOP. The Texas 2022 Midterm election platform for the TX GOP stands as exhibit A.
As Benjamin Franklin is famously quoted as saying; “A republic, if we can keep it.”
Now, my comments from LinkedIn regarding Israel are below. Don’t worry, they are short, pointed and accurate.
If you only read, the three named publications, you would believe that Israel’s IDF/ Israel Defense Forces were indiscriminate murderers of innocent civilians. You would also believe that they target schools, hospitals, refugee camps etc. without so much as a warning to the innocent people at risk. Every single one of these implied accusations is untrue, in the extreme.
A look at the headlines today from the BBC News , Reuters and the The Associated Press will never tell you what is occurring in Israel’s fight for survival against Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and of course, Putin. They are too busy pandering to their funding streams with dramatic headlines that dishonestly paint the Israel Defense Forces as indiscriminate mass-murderers.
I’ve come to the point where I’m not sure who is worse, the Republican Party denying aid to our allies in Ukraine or media like those named above, lying about the war in Gaza. Either way, both guilty parties are a threat to US and global stability, in my professional opinion.
I can no longer stomach the three news sites named above. Like a jilted lover, I can never trust them again. This is made worse by the fact that I had long trusted the three and recommended them highly as credible news sources.
If you want to know what’s happening in Israel from the north to the West Bank and on into Gaza, try the The Times of Israel, ynet , Israel Hayom ישראל היום or similar.
I used to say it was activist newsroom editors at the three publications named, but now I believe it is a matter of several issues in conjunction with the editorial activism. It is also their funding streams like investors, advertising and more, that play roles in their overt dishonesty. Yes, lying by omission, is willful dishonesty, story placement that sees truth tucked into some obscure corner of their sites… dishonesty, sensationalized headlines broadcasting unverifiable facts… you guessed it, dishonesty.
What a disgrace to journalism. If I were Israel, I’d sue them into submission and demand only reparations for those killed and a very public, sensational headline on all of their sites for a week, begging for forgiveness.
No doubt that LinkedIn, a subsidiary of Microsoft , will either moderate or allow moderation of this post, as they do daily to my account and its posts. If you believe I am correct in these thoughts, please do share and tag US and European authorities as I will name below. They can’t censor everyone.
Below are the entities that I tagged on LinkedIn
The White House U.S. Department of State U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) FBI Cyber Division National Security Agency UK Home Office UK Ministry of Defence Ministry of Justice UK NATO NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) Council of the European Union European Commission Washington State Office of the Attorney General Atlantic Council San Antonio Express-News Columbia University - Graduate School of Journalism Columbia Journalism Review Pell Center Harvard's Belfer Center Harvard University Kennedy School of Government Texas A&M University - The Bush School of Government and Public Service USA TODAY The New York Times The Washington Post Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel
My best for the rest of everyone’s holidays and especially for a New Year with more moral prospects for all.
Just as you mentioned your discomfort with the ever-shrinking airline seats, so too should we feel discomfort of a media cycle tailored to a TLDR audience
This is a product of a 24 hour news cycle read off teleprompters by oblivious presenters.
The words spoken bear virtually no depth of knowledge, and are meant for a specific audience. The majority of this audience have little to no ability to apply critical thought, nor any interest in doing so.
Critical thought, and free expression require effort...
I personally don't view what is presented on broadcast news under the category of free speech, but as paid "programming" presented to a self-selected audience prepared to receive that specific message.
What would happen if the views presented disagreed with the audiences' preconceived notions of reality? Well of course, they would change the channel...
Modern broadcast news' primary intent is for entertainment purposes, paid for by a sponsor.
Could this be considered freedom of speech, as protected by the 1st amendment? Possibly.
Could this be considered freedom of thought? Not in my opinion.
So of what use is freedom of speech. without freedom of thought, and the will to apply it critically?
Modern media is based upon programming which is not designed for free thinkers.
Happy New Year :)